30 06, 2021

Consult our newsletters and watch our webinar about the COVID-19

2022-11-08T10:03:47-04:00June 30th, 2021|

Webinars, special newsletters, media monitoring and useful links are available and freely accessible throughout the pandemic. We invite you to consult the various contents and share them with your network.Webinars(In English) March 26, 2020 : Acting effectively in facing risks related to COVID-19https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xUE-qjVMzQ(In French) March 19, 2020 : Agir efficacement [...]

8 06, 2021

COVID-19 is the “mother of invention”

2021-06-30T14:58:36-04:00June 8th, 2021|

If you had asked any executive director in Canada about risk management 14 months ago, you may have had a conversation about bad investments, hacking, fraud, or perhaps senior staff leaving. Work from home schedules, staff layoffs, PPE, and how to work five different virtual meeting platforms would not have [...]

3 06, 2020

COVID-19 and organizations dedicated to health and wellness​

2021-06-30T15:00:29-04:00June 3rd, 2020|

The health sector is particularly affected by the current pandemic. It has become difficult, if not impossible, for many to keep their cause at the forefront as COVID-19 has moved up the agenda of all citizens and, eventually, all donors. While yesterday many were shouting loud and clear that their [...]

3 06, 2020

COVID-19: NPOS and legal aspects

2021-06-30T15:00:35-04:00June 3rd, 2020|

During this confinement period, many are questioning about the legal aspects surrounding of board of directors’ meeting, executive committees and members’ general assembly. We will explain to you the rules applicable to your respective situation. NPOs constituted under the Companies Act of Quebec (Part III, R.S.Q., c. C-38) Our legislators had perhaps anticipated this crisis, [...]

3 06, 2020

Education is the passport to the future!

2021-06-30T15:00:42-04:00June 3rd, 2020|

Philanthropic advice to educational institutions and their foundations The education community has felt the full impact of the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. During this enforced pause, educators are reflecting on an urgent question: “What changes are needed for the upcoming winter session? " The answer to this question will have a [...]

3 06, 2020

GPS: Generous, Proative, Solid – Community Organizations Don’t Do Distancing!

2021-06-30T15:00:47-04:00June 3rd, 2020|

In Quebec and around the world, the COVID‑19 pandemic has created an unprecedented state of emergency. It is our good fortune to witness many and varied acts of solidarity, outreach and goodness. Taken together, these actions make up a collective response that is up to the challenges the virus brings [...]

3 06, 2020

The beginning of a new era… a time of renewal

2021-06-30T15:01:00-04:00June 3rd, 2020|

At a time when THE recovery is almost improvised, we must resiliently recover physically, psychologically, emotionally, and economically from this difficult period. After the anxious calm of the confinement comes the time to nervously get back on a path never before taken by the players in the health, educational, community, [...]