9 06, 2021

Directed donations and strategic donations: go for the snowball effect!

2021-06-30T14:58:23-04:00June 9th, 2021|

Instinctively, as a donor, I want my donation to make a difference, serve the cause, and be put to good use. These desires are entirely laudable and, at first glance, appear impeccably logical. But are they?For organizations, administration costs are bread and butterNone of us wants to throw money away. [...]

8 06, 2021

COVID-19 is the “mother of invention”

2021-06-30T14:58:36-04:00June 8th, 2021|

If you had asked any executive director in Canada about risk management 14 months ago, you may have had a conversation about bad investments, hacking, fraud, or perhaps senior staff leaving. Work from home schedules, staff layoffs, PPE, and how to work five different virtual meeting platforms would not have [...]

6 04, 2021

To what extent is philanthropy trust-based?

2021-06-30T14:59:02-04:00April 6th, 2021|

Today we explore how a relationship of trust affects philanthropic giving. Making a donation is the result of a voluntary, intentional decision by an individual or organizational donor to support a cause. Why is trust so important? Trust is vital to the effective functioning of our societies. Trust is so [...]

2 02, 2021

Trust-based philanthropy: Redistributing power based on evolving values

2021-06-30T14:59:40-04:00February 2nd, 2021|

Opinion article by Daniel H. Lanteigne, Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE), Conseiller en ressources humaines agréé (CRHA) [certified human resources advisor]While the concept of trust-based philanthropy is not new, it is gaining considerable momentum in 2021. BNP Philanthropic Performance supports this new philanthropic stance, and would like to contribute to [...]

30 01, 2021

What does CFRE stand for, and why should you care?

2021-06-30T15:14:37-04:00January 30th, 2021|

THERE ARE MORE THAN 40 HOLDERS OF THE CFRE DESIGNATION IN QUEBEC, AND MORE THAN 1,000 IN ALL PARTS OF CANADA. BNP Philanthropic Performance can count on the expertise of three CFREs: President and CEO Christian Bolduc; Vice‑president, Atlantic, Marc Lapointe; and Consultant in Philanthropy and Human Resources Daniel H. Lanteigne. [...]

21 09, 2020

BNP Philanthropic Performance and The Goldie Company join forces and combine expertise for organizations across Canada

2021-06-30T15:13:41-04:00September 21st, 2020|

Montréal, October 1, 2020 – BNP Philanthropic Performance and The Goldie Company are pleased to announce a partnership designed to offer support to Canada's philanthropic community. This co‑operative endeavour, combining over 66 years of experience and expertise, is part of an ongoing nationwide trend toward professional philanthropy that can help [...]

31 05, 2020


2021-06-30T15:02:10-04:00May 31st, 2020|

You've set up a charitable organization and obtained your registered charity number (RC number). Now it's time to learn about the legal provisions that govern your fundraising. To manage your organization properly, here are the main points you need to know. Federal legal requirements All registered charities are constituted and [...]