Senior consultant in philanthropy

Every day, a sense of working to make the world a better place
Initially a communications advisor in the private sector, Marie-Josée then worked for a number of local and national non-profit organizations (NPOs) in fields including health care, education, services for homeless and disadvantaged persons, combating violence against women, and improving the quality of family life.

Since 2012, Marie-Josée has accompanied organizations as Senior Consultant at BNP Philanthropic Performance. She places special emphasis on the meaning of her work and how it contributes to making the world a better place. Marie Josée enjoys meeting authentic, caring, empathetic people who really want to make a difference; they give her inspiration and boost her motivation.

Marie Josée is always delighted to see clients reach their fundraising goals and make their dreams come true. After experiencing doubt and uncertainty, being afraid to ask, and living through the ups and downs of a campaign, clients get to savour the ground breaking, the ribbon cutting, the introduction of a new service, the launch of a new program. It’s a time of joy and pride for the whole team!

Marie-Josée would like to see employers offer employees some form of volunteer leave. And she would like to see a movement encouraging everyone to donate 1% of their gross salary to one or more good causes every year. Marie Josée herself has implemented this practice for several years. She notes that there is still much work to be done for which society is not always ready, but adds that top notch initiatives are being taken to make a difference.

Marie Josée’s heart lies with the community sector, where she witnesses daily miracles notwithstanding limited resources. This sector is where society’s most disadvantaged and isolated members find a family, friends, and the services they so greatly need. More than once, Marie Josée has seen how community organizations change lives.

giving meaning to life, and making possible
incredible collaboration and significant social innovation.

Bitten by the philanthropy bug in her twenties
Since her twenties, Marie-Josée has been involved with organizations assisting children and young persons in trouble, women victims of spousal violence, exhausted parents who don’t know where to turn, and isolated seniors. She also set up an art therapy project for children and young people in a housing co op.

Today, Marie Josée volunteers at Les Petits Frères de Longueuil [little brothers of Longueuil], where she has been matched with an 82 year old woman. Their meetings have resulted in a cordial friendship; these two love getting together at a restaurant over a good cappuccino. Marie-Josée finds their encounters to be times of genuine happiness. Putting everything else on hold simply to listen, laugh at someone’s jokes, and learn from the person is infinitely valuable.

Marie Josée also volunteers several times a month providing basic animal care at the Sanctuaire pour animaux de la ferme de l’Estrie (SAFE), a farm animal sanctuary in Quebec’s Eastern Townships.

These days, Marie Josée is considering new forms of involvement, particularly in the fields of mental health, resources for women victims of violence, and international assistance. She wants to see more funding for shelters for women and children victims of domestic violence, so that these agencies can respond affirmatively to every call for help. We can each help make a difference in making our world a kinder, better place. Why not? And what could be more important?

Marie-Josée’s three ways to a better world:

  1. Make philanthropy part of school curricula and ensure that it is taught in school.
  2. Make ALL health and social services available promptly to EVERYONE.
  3. Make volunteering and philanthropy part of our daily lives, just like work and recreation; ensure that time is made available across society and even within families for these tremendously productive, educational and satisfying activities.

Her expertises

  • Communication
  • Philanthropic strategy
  • Major donation program
  • Major fundraising campaign

Her sectors

  • Education
  • Health
  • Community
  • Arts and culture