Montreal, July 6, 2023 – The entire BNP Philanthropic Performance team is pleased to welcome Pierre Beaulieu as Senior Philanthropy Consultant. He will bring his strategic and mobilizing spirit to organizations in Quebec City and the Centre-du-Québec region of the province.
A well-established career in philanthropy
For more than 40 years, Pierre has been dedicated to the philanthropy sector, both professionally and personally. He has worked as a manager, organizer and project manager, with several organizations such as Opération Enfant Soleil, the Gala de l’Athlete, the OIF (Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie), the Patro de Charlesbourg and many others. Recently, and for 10 years, he was the Director of Student and Community Affairs, as well as the Director of the Collège Mérici Foundation for which he carried out a major campaign of $2 million.
Over years spent as a strategic development consultant, Pierre advised and supported many public, parapublic and private organizations in their organizational development. His pedigree as a manager and strategist equips him to fully contribute to the achievement of objectives that make a real difference in communities and in the lives of others.
Emotion and commitment as guiding principles
Pierre is a person who is interested in others and their issues. The philanthropy sector has therefore become an integral part of his life. He enjoys meeting committed people who desire to contribute to the good of others. Moreover, collective actions and their resulting commitment affect him greatly. When the emotion of the people involved and supported is palpable, he undeniably feels the full impact of his work.
He identifies more with causes that concern education, culture, sport and health. More specifically, he believes that young people have all the potential to flourish within a diverse and demanding society. For example, he was able to contribute to the completion of several construction projects for major sports facilities. These initiatives always bring him moments of satisfaction when the younger generations take full advantage of them on a daily basis. Providing young people with the essential resources to develop their full potential is what motivates him.
Thanks to his great optimism and sense of commitment, Pierre will share all his experience with organizations in Quebec City and the Centre-du-Québec region.
According to Esther Tranchemontagne, Executive Vice-President of BNP Philanthropic Performance: “We enthusiastically welcome Pierre Beaulieu who, thanks to his proven experience in philanthropy, will be a great support to organizations. His radiant and mobilizing personality will undeniably contribute to our desire to offer dynamic and trustworthy support to our customers.”
Pierre has been working for BNP Philanthropic Performance since June 2023.